How to Prepare Your House for Sale


Selling your house and moving on to somewhere new is considered to be one of the most stressful life events. It’s never going to be an easy undertaking, but there are some steps you can take to prepare your house for sale and enjoy a less stressful move.

Don’t put off any repairs

We all have those odd things that have gone wrong over time in our homes. Maybe a cracked corner of a window, or a leaky shower is letting down the look and feel of your household. By making essential repairs before marketing your home, you not only improve the value but boost your chances of finding the right buyer. Little things like a weed-filled garden or a difficult-to-open door can make buyers think twice about the overall quality of your home – while larger issues such as a roof that needs replacing could cause a cancelled sale later down the line.

Clear the clutter out

When it comes time to move house, it is tempting to simply throw all your items into boxes. However, if you find that your home looks cluttered and untidy, this is a good place to begin when selling. A cluttered home can be very off-putting to buyers and hides how spacious certain areas are. Having a clearout is a great idea when moving house, but if you have bulky furniture items that aren’t in keeping with the look and feel you want to present, then furniture storage can be the perfect option for you.

Create a less personal space

Your home is the perfect reflection of a life fully lived, but not everyone can see past your personality. Reducing the amount of clutter in your home and cleaning the space is a great start, but you should also think about going over any garish paintwork with neutral shades that allow potential buyers to see themselves in your home. Minimalism is key, and it allows the space itself to truly shine.

Add a touch of home

Removing the clutter and louder personal touches from your home can help to sell it, but don’t take out the heart. Small touches of home (known as staging) can create an aspirational look that those viewing your house can find very appealing. A tasteful vase of flowers on the kitchen table, a neutral throw and some cushions placed on your sofa, and scents that are light and not overpowering. Removing old-fashioned items such as net curtains adds a flourish of sophistication that can make even the most traditional building feel contemporary and accessible to a range of interested parties.

Selling your home doesn’t have to be hard work, but you do need to put a little time and effort into the preparation. With these tips, you should be able to prepare your home for a smooth and successful sale.